Happiness and Success

Life: Where do you want to end up?

When is the last time you sparkled, from the inside out?

I get it, life gets pretty heavy sometimes. But maybe the answer is looking at life in a different way.

The world commends those who are super busy, barely sleeping, working hard in “important, powerful” jobs. The super parent who “does it all”.

Here’s how my tombstone would have read in my mid-30s: 

“DeAnne was so busy she didn’t have a personal life. No time for friends, a dog, partner, family. But man, she was successful. So successful, her heart couldn’t keep up and she died from her success.”

Or how about this one (which can easily happen to me if I’m not careful):

“DeAnne finished every item on her list, she did her best to be the best to everyone, but man was she tired. It was worth it, as long as everyone else was happy….”


When life has sucked us dry, robbed us of our joy, sense of humor, it’s time to take a pause. Figure out where we want to end up, and put a new address in that ole GPS.

But you’ve got so many problems. So much to be anxious about.  Here’s an idea. 

  • How about looking at your problems from a point of mastery! A challenge!

Problem - You just don’t have time to take care of yourself. 

You know how you create a budget for your finances? Create a budget for your time! Write down where you “spend” your time during the day. Categorize it - school, parenting, cooking, work. Then prioritize and optimize. 

  • I’m sure you can find 20 minutes for exercise.

  • 10 minutes for getting in touch with yourself, listening, being quiet, connecting with YOU.

You can continue to blame yourself for not having time, or blame someone else.

You can opt for a cop-out excuse.

You can say that’s just the way my life is.


  • Challenge yourself to make a change.

  • Empower yourself.

  • Commit yourself to the solution.

If you need a guide, I’m here to help.


