Anger and Suffering

Tips & Encouragement If You're Struggling With Fatigue

Who is feeling wiped out?  

You’re fighting not only physical and emotional fatigue, but psychological fatigue as well.

Many of you are making even more decisions than you were this same time last year. Decision fatigue is real.  Making decision after decision eventually takes biological consequences. Your brain actually starts making short-cuts.  You make reckless choices or you just stop making choices at all.

We spend so much time every day making the “right choices” - for our children, our family, our pets, ourselves, our employees, our clients...and on and on and on.  On top of this, our will power zaps SO much of our mental strength.

Feeling even more exhausted?

That’s why it is so critical to create as many efficiencies as possible to conserve your mental energy.

Here are two great tips I share with my clients to conserve mental energy!

  • Exercise

    • Put it in your calendar each week.  There’s no decision. It pops up, it’s time to work out.

  • Meals

    • Sunday, make a list of your meals for the week and shop for groceries once (without the kids if at all possible).

    • Any time you can, double the meal so you can put ½ in the freezer.

    • Soup is your friend. 

    • Designate meal nights. Every week. Kids love consistency!

      •  Sunday is pizza night. Tuesday is taco night. 

These are challenging times. Take some of the pressure off and replenish your energy by looking at ways to simplify your life.