Mental health

Drowning in Problems, Change Your Focus

What is your problem of the day?

Did you wake up thinking about a bill you need to pay? What is creating worry that you feel needs to get done in order for you to have peace?

Let's say you accomplish that nagging concern today.  Chances are high you wake up tomorrow with another "problem of the day".

And it just doubt you will have a problem to worry about every day.  Your life will be filled with problems. Is this the life you want?

Michelangelo chose to see the beauty, making one choice after another to bring it out, and we have seen the result.

“The sculpture is already complete within the marble block, before I start my work. It is already there, I just have to chisel away the superfluous material.” -- Michelangelo

Every artist, composer, architect, writer creates based on eliminating certain thoughts and selecting the "right ones" that appear in their stream of consciousness.

But where do the "right ones" come from?  How can we create a life that is a beautiful masterpiece, experiencing Heaven on Earth, the Kingdom of God, found in each and every one of us. defines harmony as a pleasing arrangement of parts. Harmony - the word rolls off my tongue in such a beautiful way.  It's a way of living life that is effortless; living life with ease.


Philippians 4:8 specifically outlines the plan for living a life in harmony with yourself and the world.

"Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable,

whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever

is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything

worthy of praise, let your mind dwell on these things."


It all goes back to the thoughts we choose to focus on.

So what if we let go of today's problem - just for today.

Acknowledge it, ask for help/surrender it, and move on to seeing the beauty and the good all around us.

A word of advice.  Try not to follow the news today.  Nothing is more toxic and ugly than what is happening politically.

If the news feeds your anger/anxiety instead of your joy, just let it go.  Anger might seem to feel good, like the first hit of crack, but it doesn't end well.

Instead, marvel the beauty in nature.  See the world through the eyes of your children. The wonder and amazement of dragonflies, lizards, even clover.

We have a choice, every day. It is very difficult at first, but it won't always be this hard. Just take that first small step for yourself, your children and humanity. And then another.

Change your thoughts. Change yourself. Change the world.

You can do this. You are not alone! I'm in this with you.
