
Your False Self


I remember when living in NYC, I religiously got manicures every week and pedicures every other. I looked at going to the nail salon not as a “treat”, but as a necessity. For my image. 


Everything had to be perfect. From the clothes I wore, shoes, bag, sunglasses, to my hair, make-up. And of course, my body.

I wanted to project success. Sex appeal. Life of the party. That I had it all and I was happy.

But underneath, I wasn’t happy. Everything was supposed to add up - money, power, fulfillment.  But it didn’t.

Saturdays and Sundays were spent mostly alone - I was recovering from the stress of work. Who had time for relationships?

Thankfully, my soul would push me to surf.  I’d meet women who had left their big corporate careers to start their own firms.  They would tell me almost pitying me that I just wasn’t ready.

They were right.

I had NO idea what I was missing out on.  But now I do.

The sparkle I get when I’m on a call with a client...I have a continuous buzz after.  My partner told me Friday night that I was glowing!   And yes, he was sober.

The energy we exchange, the hope fueled, dreams nourished - it’s the most powerful work I’ve ever done and it is empowered by Love. I found “it”. My purpose.

My Inner Voice knew all along, I just had to be quiet enough to list.  I just had to do “the work”.

It’s exhausting living a life that is not aligned with your soul. It may be fun here and there...but there’s always that nagging feeling...something isn’t quite right.

Are you plugged in?  What’s up with your sparkle?  I’d love to help you discover it. Just send me an email if you feel a little whisper.

Your dreams are calling…

**** Soulwork ****

If you’re ready for a revelation, change your morning routine with a little morning work.

Make your coffee, light a candle, grab a spiral notebook.

  • Write down 3 things you are grateful for. 

  • Write down 3 things that would make that day the greatest day.

  • Write an affirmation for the day (an "I am" statement).

It only takes me 10 minutes.

Then, if you can, spend some time writing whatever comes to mind. Write about how you are feeling. Your dreams. Your desires. Your sadness. Your fears. Be honest with yourself. Sometimes I write a letter to me the child as if I am the parent about a particularly difficult situation.  You'll find we are so hard on ourselves...

Finding your purpose involves reconnecting with your Inner Voice. Dedicate the time and see what is revealed.