
What to do if you need love

Remember Mister Rogers, from Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood? Well, I walked by my refrigerator this morning and saw a magnet of his smiling face that I’d forgotten about. My alma mater, Rollins College sent it to me some time ago to celebrate one of our famous alum’s, Fred Rogers. 

The words “Life is for service” accompanied his image and I figured it must be a quote attributed to him. Upon a little investigation, I learned these words inspired him when he saw them on a plaque on campus many years ago.  He wrote them on a piece of paper, which he carried in his pocket as a reminder of the purpose of his existence.  

How do you finish the statement - life is for __________…

If you’re having a hard time figuring out your life’s purpose, you are not alone. 

Let’s take a look at the idea behind “Life is for service”. When we serve others, we are giving time and resources.  But what drives someone to serve another is love. 

Have you ever heard the advice, if you’re feeling depressed go help someone without the need for something in return? If you tried it, you know it works.

When we give love, we receive love. Depression, sadness, worry all stem from fear.  It’s the idea that we are not loved or loveable.  Fear is the absence of love. So the answer is always love.

There is never a lack of love.  It doesn’t begin, it doesn’t end.  It just is...continuous. Just look at your child.  The love has always been and will never end. There is no scarcity in love.

The world believes in scarcity. The idea that when we give something away, we lose it.  We hold on to or acquire things that we think will make us more loveable, will make us happier, because we are loved (respected) even more.

I saw a tweet that said something to the effect of, by the time we’re 40 years old, every time we make a new purchase, we probably already have two of something similar.

So why do we want more? 

Love or fear.  That’s the choice we make every day.  I’m reading “Love Is Letting Go Of Fear” by Gerald G. Jampolsky, MD.  He wrote that fear is really a call for help, a request for love.

Imagine if we viewed those who attack us as people who are fearful because they need love. It completely changes our perspective into a loving one. And so we forgive them.

When we make decisions based on love, everyone gains. When we make decisions based on fear...well, you know the answer in your own life. Life becomes about me, instead of about we, and we end up strangling the essence of who we are. If it doesn’t feel good, if it makes you sad, if it makes you feel sick, lonely, then make another choice. 

Love is overflowing inside each and everyone of us.  If you want more love in your life, try giving love to someone else without condition. What you seek, you will find.