
Unresolved Anger = Joy Killer

You know the saying, never go to bed angry...Well, I went to bed angry last night. And I woke up angry. And it’s one of the worst ways to start the day.

In my fight for mental health, unresolved anger is the last thing I need to deal with in the peace of the morning. This is supposed to be the time for me to enjoy my solitude, meditate, study, journal and prepare myself for the day ahead. Instead, my blood is boiling and I probably didn’t need that cup of coffee.

Deep breath. I remembered I’m in a mental health bootcamp.

So I took a step back to go deeper. Why do I have to let something completely out of my control negatively impact my life? I can change the story, and my feelings will change.  Ah, ha!

As the old saying goes, “Holding onto anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die.”

Since I’ve been on my #MentalDetox2020, my joy quotient has exploded like a rocket ship!  I admit it, discipline in the evening when I am tired is difficult. Hello going to bed angry. But it’s when I deliberately guard my thoughts that the magic happens. I’m creative.  My soul shines again. I come up with ways to bring adventure and excitement into my life!

This is a difficult season, but we can make it a transformational time. You are not alone. I’m with you every step of the way. 
