
Return to Love & Accept What Is

I released a heavy weight this morning when I was reminded of the power of acceptance.

I’ve been on this path of looking inside myself for quite some time. But I’m still learning about and understanding my Soul. Yesterday, I begged whoever was listening to point me in the right direction and guess what happened.

I went to the library yesterday to pick up books I’d reserved online for my son and me. As I was leaving, there was “You Are Enough” by Panache Desai sitting on display, waiting for me.

Yes, ask and ye shall receive.

Desai wrote “Every circumstance is an opportunity to return to love and to accept what is.” When we meet life with acceptance, it calms our mind and gives us the ability to navigate through it.

When we don’t accept circumstances, we get stuck. We feel like victims and blame others. We try to control things or numb out on Instagram and Netflix. This just makes things even worse!

Breathing deeply, I released the burdens from the virus and all that it negatively affects -- education, employment, childcare, relationships, entertainment. 

I accepted our political mania.

I accepted my decisions and my choices.

It didn’t require any effort at all to bring calm to my world - just breathing and accepting. Creating this shift in energy stabilized my mind. Now I have the ability to change my reality. I see opportunities where before I only saw problems.

These are uncertain times. Accept them for what they are and see what happens in your own life.


I’m in this with you, my heart is tied to yours.
